Showing posts with label Research Methodology for PhD Thesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Research Methodology for PhD Thesis. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2020

How Research Methodology Is Necessary For the PhD Thesis

Research Methodology
As we know that a thesis is a lengthy piece of writing and when you are going to write it, then you will have to collect a huge amount of data. This data is collected with the help of an effective research. When we are going to conduct research for your thesis, then you will have to select a research methodology. There are basically two types of the research methodology. First is the qualitative research methodology and second is the quantitative research methodology.

If you want to collect the data from the primary sources, then you should select a qualitative research methodology. This is a direct method to collect the data. In this regard, you will have to conduct interviews, surveys and opinions of the people. On the other hand, if you are interested to collect the data from the secondary sources, then you will have to select the quantitative research methodology. In the quantitative research methodology, you will have to collect the data from the secondary sources. These secondary sources are also known as indirect sources. You will have to collect the data from the books, government surveys and also from the newspapers etc.

You should be very careful in selecting the research methodology for your thesis. It is a way to find the results of a specific problem. When we are going to write a thesis, then we will have to specify the expected results and findings in the proposal. These results and findings will be achieved with the help of the research methodology as provided by thesis writers. With the help of research methodology, we will be able to collect the data for our thesis. This data will provide us a path to reach at our destination. This destination is our expected results and findings.

We will also try to find the answers to the questions that come to our mind about the topic of our thesis. For example, if you have selected “Find the Soil Permeability” as the topic of our thesis, then following questions will come to our mind;
  • What is the importance of Soil Permeability?
  • What is “ Soil porosity”?
  • How “Porosity” can be measured?
  • Which soil is permeable to the water?
  • What is the relation between the pore space and the size of the particles?
  • What are the different types of the soil and also describe the characteristics of the different types of the soil?
  • What is the possible relation between the porosity and permeability?

If we want to find the answers to these questions, then research methodology is the most important thing. When we try to know the answers of these questions, then we will also be able to collect a huge amount of data. This data can be used in order to write a thesis. If you want to get the expected results and also answers to the questions, then you will have to select a correct research methodology.