If you are a student who is
trying to complete his or her dissertation along with part time job, you must
know that it will be very tough and you will have to put in extra effort so
that you can succeed without any trouble. Here are many students who have to
work part time in order to support their education as they do not have other
means of income. However, writing a dissertation is a key part of the academic
process and must be done the right way to complete the degree requirements.
This article is a guide for
all those students who are working hard to complete their dissertation with
part time job and offers some helpful advice to manage both things most
The first the most helpful
advice in this regard is that students must learn to manage their time and see
how much time is left after their job and how they can use it the best way to
write their dissertation. There are some part time jobs that offer students a
chance to do some work so they must make use of that time too and take along a
book or some notes for skimming and scanning.
When working on their
dissertation writing task, it is important that students give up all other
activities and just focus on their job as it is their means of income and they
cannot afford to lose it. They must stop partying with friends or excessive use
of internet and social media as it will only distract them and they will not be
able to focus on their paper the right way.
When students are working part
time, they must know that they will get some time free during the day to work
on their dissertation and they should keep this time free of all other
activities and even keep their phone switched off so that they can work most
efficiently on their paper without getting distracted by the phone.
Working at the same time on
their dissertation writing task along with a part time job is not easy but
students must learn to manage their time as well as their skills. They must
understand that they should read books and notes but do a quick scan to see if
the relevant information is there or not. In the same way they should also keep
an eye on the clock and write quickly so that they do not
waste much time. To facilitate such students, there are many writing tools and
software that make it easy for students to write their dissertations without
facing any problem in class.
Students must take completing
their dissertation writing as the most serious and important task that they
have been given during their academic life and must work on it the right way as
instructed by the teacher. They should not ignore it task during their part
time job as it will create trouble in getting their degree if they are not